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LOS CAIDOS european tour!

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Inscrit le: 09 Déc 2007
Messages: 67

MessagePosté le: Ven Juin 01, 2012 9:49 am    Sujet du message: LOS CAIDOS european tour! Répondre en citant

LOS CAIDOS european tour!

LOS CAIDOS European Tour !

don't miss them!

7th June Praha - Czech Republic @ U Klubu
8th June Brno - Czech Republic @ Boro Club
9th June Rothenburg - Germany @ Faetzig Camp
10th Berlin (or near area) Germany HELP!!!
11th June Nürnberg (or near area) - Germany HELP!!!
12th - Germany DAY OFF
13th June Wien - Austria @ EKHaus
14th June Nyon- Switzerland @ Av Ruclon
15th June Pandova - Italy (waiting for the final info)
16th June Bologna - Italy (waiting for the final info)
17th June Perugia - Italy (waiting for the final info)
18th June Grenoble - France
19th June St. Etienne - France @BarMysanthrope
20th June Mauriac - France @ Villefranche de Rouergue
21th June Barcelona - España @ Blokes Fantasmas
22th June TBA España (waiting for the final info)
23th June TBA España (waiting for the final info)
24th June DAY OFF
25th June Paris - France @ La Miroiterie
26th June DAY OFF
27th June Ghent - Belguim @ Bar Bizar
28th June Koln - Germany @ Sonic Ballroom
29th June Praha - Czech Republic - Departure

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